Branding Basics

Branding refers to the process of giving meaning to a specific company, product, service or individual by creating and shaping a brand in consumers’ minds. Linked below are the basics you need in order to build strong branding foundations.

This year has not started off exactly the way we all wanted it to. With the UK still in lockdown, so many of you have taken the leap of starting your own business, or have an idea that you want to make a reality but don’t know where to start. Sound familiar?
Yasmin and I understand that working with a graphic designer or marketing expert is a daunting investment to make, especially for a business in the infancy stage. With a combined 16 years of experience in the industry, we joined forces to create a video sharing the branding and social media basics that you need to know to help get you started.

Best part? It’s totally free!

The video covers the following:

  • Identifying your target market
  • Brand identity creation
  • Brand values
  • What social media platforms to use
  • Creating engaging content
  • Branding and social media Q&A

You can find a download to our FREE social media & branding worksheets BELOW.

Always choose love,


Download your FREE Branding Checklist

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YOU are capable of
the WORLD 

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